Kitazawa Seeds
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About This Item
Kitazawa is an Oakland-based Asian specialty seed company founded in 1917. We stock a rotating selection of our favorite culinary seeds that make for great pickles, ferments, preserves and seasonings!
- Horned Mustard is a Chinese Broad Leaf Mustard variety that's great for Chinese or South Asian Pickled Mustard Greens
- Ishikura Bunching Onion is a great Japanese spring onion for Kimchi making!
- Gochujang King is a hybrid Korean pepper that has a hot pungancy. This spicy gochugaru (ground spice) makes an excellent gochujang and kimchi paste!
- Starburst Daikon is a watermelon daikon with a stunning starburst of bright red/magenta interior with a white/green exterior. Great pickled or added to kimchi!
- Ohba Ao Shiso is a tradional Japanese herb with refreshing aromatic green flat leaves. Notably used in making Umeboshi!
- Red Chinese Cabbage aka Napa Cabbage is a colorful variation on the classic. Makes a tasty and beautifully colored kimchi!
Tokinashi All Season Daikon Radish: A perfect all-season daikon with strong pungency and a nice flavor. Great for Kimchi making!
Ishikura Winter Long Bunching Onions: is a great Winter bunching onion with long white stalks and long green leaves, great for Kimchi making!
Korean Perilla: a unique flavor that tastes somehwere between mint and basil used as a wrap for sushi and cooked food. Excellent as a microgreen!