Chef's Press
About this Item
The Chef’s Press was born out of true necessity in the tiny kitchen of Bix Restaurant down a secret alley in San Francisco, where Chef Bruce Hill was at the helm of the stoves. In a small kitchen like that, every second counts. The old cast iron bacon presses used by his cooks trapped steam and were too heavy for many dishes. In 2004, Chef Hill created The Chef’s Press – a weight adjustable tool that allows food to cook 20-30% faster, and is vented to release moisture, yielding better results with greater ease.
Whether searing a piece of meat, getting a nice char on a vegetable or making a stellar grilled cheese sandwich, applying weighted pressure to ingredients maximizes the surface area that's directly in contact with the pan, which leads to more delicious browning.
- 13 oz. press works especially well for sandwiches, burgers and fish. For larger meats, consider buying more than one. They are designed to be stacked for bigger jobs that benefit from more weight.
- 17 oz / 7.5" round press has a bit more weight and covers more foods! Newly designed in 2024!