1 cup of Masa Harina Flour
~ 1/2 - 3/4 cup of warm filtered water
(makes approximately 12 tortillas)
Combine masa flour with water (or follow proportions on masa flour packaging) and mix thoroughly for 2-3 minutes until you form a soft dough. If it feels dry, add more water as needed, 1 teaspoon at a time. Should be the consistency of Play-Doh!
Prepare your Tortilla Press by cutting 2 pieces of plastic or parchment paper and placing it inside the tortilla press. You will use this as a liner during the pressing process for ease with the dough.
Form balls of dough, approximately 1oz (slightly smaller than a ping pong ball). Place between plastic or parchment paper and close the tortilla press to flatten the ball into a tortilla shape. For the perfect tortilla, after one “press”, rotate the plastic 90 degrees and gently press again.
To remove the pressed dough, open the lid of the press and gently peel back the plastic or parchment paper sheet from the dough disc. Repeat until all tortillas have been formed. Tortilla should be even thickness and approximately 6 inches in diameter. Don’t worry if some break in the process, roll them up and press again. Practice makes perfect!
Heat pan or Comal until hot and gently place 3 to 4 tortillas on the hot surface. Cook for 60–90 seconds and flip to cook the other side. Stack cooked tortillas and keep warm in the traditional servietta (cloth napkin). Serve immediately with your favorite Mexican Dish.
